The Financial Check-up

If you want a quick but thorough assessment of your finances and retirement goals, this is the plan for you.
The Financial Check-up analyses your financial picture – asset & liabilities, income & expenses – and helps you predict its course well into your retirement.
I  will review
  1. How your investments are set up and managed
  2. Your insurance coverage
  3. How to structure your estate
  4. How to maximize your pensions
Your customized report will advise you on tax planning, debt restructuring and how to protect yourself from unforeseen risks.
It will include
  1. Personal financial statements
  2. Retirement projections
  3. Comments and advice to improve your results

Fees – The Financial Check-up

The cost for this plan is $500.  Following delivery of the Financial Check-up report, additional discussions are charged $100 per hour.

To get started

  • Download The Financial Check-up Questionnaire, print and complete it
  • Sign the Letter of Engagement
  • Send the completed Questionnaire #2,
    Letter of Engagement and $200 deposit to
    Stronach Financial Group at 15 Manorpark Court, Toronto ON M2J 1A1.
I will then
  1. Confirm receipt of these documents and review your file
  2. Contact you by phone to discuss and clarify your specific goals
  3. Draft your report and courier it to you with an invoice for the balance owing
  4. Make any corrections needed, as directed by you in email
If you want to discuss your file past this point, I charge an additional $100 per hour.